3.7.8 [Released - 2024-05-03 ]
- New config option to control which category columns are shown in the frontend
Bug Fixes
- Better handling of Joomla 5 dark mode
- Fix for sorting by column heading in backend of people and setting order values
3.7.7 [Released - 2024-03-12 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix SEF URLs people list menu item and the links it generates to people detail pages
3.7.6 [Released - 2024-03-12 ]
Bug Fixes
- Dynamic class properties error suppression
- Better support for Joomla 5 dark mode
- Fix for check all button and control panel links in backend
3.7.5 [Released - 2024-02-06 ]
Bug Fixes
- Support for Joomla 5 dark mode
- Resolve issue of detail entries of unpublished entries sometimes being accessible in in the frontend
3.7.4 [Released - 2023-09-25 ]
Bug Fixes
- Make sure jquery is loaded the correct way on Joomla 4
3.7.3 [Released - 2023-09-15 ]
Bug Fixes
- Update loading of google maps scripts to include callback function which is now required
- Change filter options label in Joomla 4 list views
3.7.2 [Released - 2023-03-23 ]
- add Joomla custom field editing permissions
Bug Fixes
- check for declaration of ht_strlen in case its available e.g. from EasyLayouts
3.7.1 [Released - 2022-12-08 ]
- Add person type to the title 'selected person button' when adding entries during event editing so that roles can be clearly seen
3.7.0 [Released - 2022-11-24 ]
- Switch to new geocoding providers after MapQuest withdraws service
Bug Fixes
- fix for managed people import in Joomla 4
3.6.8 [Released - 2022-10-28 ]
Bug Fixes
- Disable chosen on selectpeople boxes!
- Fix box-checks for backend list button actions
3.6.7 [Released - 2022-06-07 ]
- Support importing managed people from CSV in Joomla 4
Bug Fixes
- Remove old usage of Mootools JSON.encode - swich to native JSON.stringify
3.6.6 [Released - 2022-05-23 ]
Bug Fixes
- Deal with images with orientation set in EXIF data - may need to rotate prior to re-scaling
3.6.5 [Released - 2022-05-20 ]
Bug Fixes
- Saving types problem in Joomla 3.10.9
- Fix PHP 8 warnings
- Fix tooltips/popovers when editing parameters
3.6.4 [Released - 2021-11-12 ]
Bug Fixes
- Fix saving Allowed Groups and Import Groups to force integer values correctly
- Ensure JEVHelper Is Loaded
- Check catid in JevrCategoryPeople.cats before using it - could throw JS error
3.6.3 [Released - 2021-06-07 ]
- Add managed people sub-menu items for left panel navigation
Bug Fixes
- Fix for missing person/resource select button when using separate buttons per person type
- Managed people description loosing HTML tags
- Missing arrayhelper declaration
3.6.2 [Released - 2021-05-26 ]
- Fix for popup person/resource select not opening modal window on some sites
3.6.1 [Released - 2021-05-04 ]
- Support for left menu submenu items in backend
- Fix for combined map display in blog view
Bug Fixes
- Style up managed people buttons for new event editing styles
3.6.0 [Released - 2021-03-16 ]
- Joomla 4 compatibility
- Bring in line with JEvents 3.6
- Add support for OpenStreetMaps
- Allow self-deallocation from assigned roles
Older Changes
- Version 3.0.39 : Fix custom field attachement
- Version 3.0.38 : Fix issue introduced in Joomla! 3.7.3 by a backwards compatibility break in joomla libraries
- version 3.0.37 : Load jevcustom.css file in the select people popup modal, Stop duplicates being created on import if the joomla user is in more than one matching group, import respects global by default config option, Allow option to force Joomla users of specific user group only to be associated with type, Fix for person selector in jQuery, Allow importing of Joomla users to auto-create managed people of types where this is enabled., Change parent constructor class (PHP 7 compatability), Offer support to link to EasyProfile, Add filter safeHTML to customformat string in content plugin, Fix bad continue statement in blog and detail layout editing, filters hygiene test on input
overlapping checks only test published people
- version 3.0.36 : J3.7 fixes
- version 3.0.35 : fix for filtering when no category or people type is selected
- version 3.032 : improved CSS for layout of filters in list and blog views
- version 3.0.31 : support for only showing people in list which have upcoming events, fix for removing menu item constraint
- version 3.0.29 : run content plugin on templated output, set people module id before loading matching events, make sure filter reset doesn't block link to managed people events
- Version 3.0.28 : Blog view ordering, toolbar fix for frontend manage people menu item
- Version - 3.0.27: Added missing pagination from People Blog View
- Version - 3.0.26: missing presentation output column in query, move js files to media folder
- Version - 3.0.25: Add output options for image and thumbnail URLs, Remove if statement check that blocked unlogged in users from selecting people for events
- Version - 3.0.23: version 3.0.21 and 3.0.22 were not packaged correctly (sorry)
- Version - 3.0.21: display popup uses popup dimensions in config, correct display of custom fields output in layout editor for list views.
- Version - 3.0.20: fix for popup link in event detail page, add alt attribute in person image
- Version - 3.0.19: Optional separate output by type in custom layouts, CSS fix for maps in Protostar layout, fix option to unpublish entry in backend, target menuitem for people detail link in event views, backend sort column name correction
- Version - 3.0.17: Fix for saving people entries from 3.0.16,
- Version - 3.0.16: Fixing bad installation package from 3.0.15.
- Version - 3.0.15: Fixing Administrator permissions for global resources, including JEvents Custom CSS to frontend views and fix for editing events when using separate select person buttons
- Version - 3.0.14: otional output of people summary for different resource types separately
- Version - 3.0.13: php 5.4 compatability changes
- Version - 3.0.12: Fix for Joomla 3.1.4 problem viewing component in backend, reversed language string error days before and days after for menu item paramters
- Version - 3.0.11: fix bad url if no image present in blog view, support for event editing layout customisation in JEvents 3.1, fix for category specific types in Joomla 3.0
- Version - 3.0.9: use loadColumn instead of loadResultArray, remove redundanct HTML attributes, include support for {DESCRIPTION} in specific entry output
- Version - 3.0.8b: fix packaging error in 3.0.8
- Version - 3.0.8: Improve backend styling in Joomla 3. fix unselecting person in event edit (Joomla 3), first cut multi-person filter.
- Version - 3.0.7: Correct display of map showing multiple people in event detail and also suppress this map if none of the people have an address
- Version - 3.0.6: Add site name title suffix option support, fix xml error in search within people list, add router.php for SEF URLs
- Version - 3.0.5: setValue -> set for Joomla 3.0
- Version - 3.0.4: fix loading scripts and stylesjeets in Joomla 3.0 and database query escaping using Joomla 3.0 function
- Version - 3.0.2b: Fix few Joomla! 3.0 specific issues
- Version - 3.0.2: Fix few Joomla 3.0 specific issues